Unity of Bloomington is blessed with an active community that extends beyond our congregation. We have opportunities every month for workshops, music, exercise, movies, food, discussions, and more! Feel free to bring a friend!
This page is intended for events that occur either once per month or are unique.
Please click here to visit our Groups & Spiritual Education page for information about events that occur more frequently.
Keep an eye on this page for new opportunities, or subscribe to our newsletter for a weekly upate.
Dessert Reception for Rev. Gabon
Rev. Minnassa will be joining us in August! Sunday, August 4 will be her first Sunday service!
A dessert reception is planned following that first Sunday service. So, be thinking of your best and favorite dessert recipes to show off the culinary talents of UofB. Other plans are in the works. Watch for details soon!!
If you have ideas or would like to be involved in planning these activities, drop an email to uofbcommunity@gmail.com.
'A Course in Miracles' Workshop
‘A Course in Miracles’ refers to a miraculous healing process as a shift in perception. This is a process that leads to deeper healing than most people experience since the healing is transformative. It is internal soul-level healing.
Join us for a workshop to learn and practice effective soul-healing techniques that create a more loving and peaceful life.
Everyone is welcome, no prior attendance is required.
You may view recordings of previous workshops in this series here: A Course in Miracles 2023 Playlist on YouTube
Newcomers' Connect
Unity is a spiritual movement – a movement that leans towards the knowledge of our innate Divinity and how to use that Divinity in a practical manner. Are you new to Unity? Would you like to learn more about both the overall worldwide movement and Unity of Bloomington in particular? Newcomers’ Connect is for you! Attend this get-together in the Cady Room downstairs.
Ask any questions you may have about New Thought spirituality. Find out what resources are available to explore a new idea of spirituality. Meet and connect with others who are on the same journey. Led by Mary Ann Williams, begin to discover the riches that are within YOU and how to access them.
Please RSVP to ministry@unityofbloomington.org if you plan to attend.
Easter Egg Hunt
Bring your children, nieces, nephews, and young friends to the Unity of Bloomington Easter Egg Hunt immediately after the Sunday service on Easter, March 31. Rain or shine! The hunt will take place in the playground if the sun is shining; if it rains, we will hide the eggs downstairs.
If you would like to be involved in planning this event, hiding eggs before the service, providing materials needed, or in any other way, contact Patty Robinson at uofbcommunity@gmail.com. Even if you don’t have young people to invite, come and watch the fun!!!
Spiritual Cinema
Lights! Projector! Action!Join us this Sunday after service for a viewing of the award-winning 2002 documentary 'Amandla!: A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony'.This film won twice at the 2002 Sundance Film Festival — ‘The Audience Award’ and ‘The Freedom of Expression Award’.
Refreshments will be available! Feel free to bring something to share!
'A Course in Miracles' Workshop, part 8 (Copy)
‘A Course in Miracles’ refers to a miraculous healing process as a shift in perception. This is a process that leads to deeper healing than most people experience since the healing is transformative. It is internal soul-level healing.
Join us for a workshop to learn and practice effective soul-healing techniques that create a more loving and peaceful life.
Everyone is welcome, no prior attendance is required.
You may view recordings of previous workshops in this series here: A Course in Miracles 2023 Playlist on YouTube
Annual Meeting
This is our time to appreciate ourselves and all that we have achieved in the almost two years since we began a commUnity-led experience. And a time to look at the new challenges in front of us. Please make sure to return your membership reaffirmation before the beginning of the Annual Meeting, either in person, or by email, so that you will be able to vote. Forms were snail-mailed to all UoB members last week.
Board Secretary, Carol Peacock, and Board Recorder, Mary Ann Williams, have worked hard to clarify the Board terms. As a result, they have uncovered a third seat up for election. Carol Peacock and Roy Capio have agreed to run for re-election. One new Board member will join the team. Cathy Haggerty will join the slate that will be presented at the Annual Meeting.
You may attend the Annual Meeting either in person or via Zoom. If you wish to attend via Zoom, please email us at uofbcommunity@gmail.com for the Zoom link, before Saturday, February 24.