Unity of Bloomington is blessed with an active community that extends beyond our congregation. We have opportunities every month for workshops, music, exercise, movies, food, discussions, and more! Feel free to bring a friend!

This page is intended for events that occur either once per month or are unique.
Please click here to visit our Groups & Spiritual Education page for information about events that occur more frequently.

Keep an eye on this page for new opportunities, or subscribe to our newsletter for a weekly upate.

Filtering by: “After Service”

Dessert Reception for Rev. Gabon

Dessert Reception for Rev. Gabon

Rev. Minnassa will be joining us in August! Sunday, August 4 will be her first Sunday service!

A dessert reception is planned following that first Sunday service. So, be thinking of your best and favorite dessert recipes to show off the culinary talents of UofB. Other plans are in the works. Watch for details soon!!

If you have ideas or would like to be involved in planning these activities, drop an email to uofbcommunity@gmail.com.

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'A Course in Miracles' Workshop

'A Course in Miracles' Workshop

‘A Course in Miracles’ refers to a miraculous healing process as a shift in perception. This is a process that leads to deeper healing than most people experience since the healing is transformative. It is internal soul-level healing.

Join us for a workshop to learn and practice effective soul-healing techniques that create a more loving and peaceful life.

Everyone is welcome, no prior attendance is required.
You may view recordings of previous workshops in this series here: A Course in Miracles 2023 Playlist on YouTube

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Newcomers' Connect

Newcomers' Connect

Unity is a spiritual movement – a movement that leans towards the knowledge of our innate Divinity and how to use that Divinity in a practical manner. Are you new to Unity? Would you like to learn more about both the overall worldwide movement and Unity of Bloomington in particular? Newcomers’ Connect is for you! Attend this get-together in the Cady Room downstairs.

Ask any questions you may have about New Thought spirituality. Find out what resources are available to explore a new idea of spirituality. Meet and connect with others who are on the same journey. Led by Mary Ann Williams, begin to discover the riches that are within YOU and how to access them.

Please RSVP to ministry@unityofbloomington.org if you plan to attend.

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Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Bring your children, nieces, nephews, and young friends to the Unity of Bloomington Easter Egg Hunt immediately after the Sunday service on Easter, March 31. Rain or shine! The hunt will take place in the playground if the sun is shining; if it rains, we will hide the eggs downstairs.

If you would like to be involved in planning this event, hiding eggs before the service, providing materials needed, or in any other way, contact Patty Robinson at uofbcommunity@gmail.com. Even if you don’t have young people to invite, come and watch the fun!!!

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Spiritual Cinema

Spiritual Cinema

Lights! Projector! Action!Join us this Sunday after service for a viewing of the award-winning 2002 documentary 'Amandla!: A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony'.This film won twice at the 2002 Sundance Film Festival — ‘The Audience Award’ and ‘The Freedom of Expression Award’.

Refreshments will be available! Feel free to bring something to share!

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'A Course in Miracles' Workshop, part 8 (Copy)

'A Course in Miracles' Workshop, part 8 (Copy)

‘A Course in Miracles’ refers to a miraculous healing process as a shift in perception. This is a process that leads to deeper healing than most people experience since the healing is transformative. It is internal soul-level healing.

Join us for a workshop to learn and practice effective soul-healing techniques that create a more loving and peaceful life.

Everyone is welcome, no prior attendance is required.
You may view recordings of previous workshops in this series here: A Course in Miracles 2023 Playlist on YouTube

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Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

This is our time to appreciate ourselves and all that we have achieved in the almost two years since we began a commUnity-led experience.  And a time to look at the new challenges in front of us.  Please make sure to return your membership reaffirmation before the beginning of the Annual Meeting, either in person, or by email, so that you will be able to vote.  Forms were snail-mailed to all UoB members last week. 
Board Secretary, Carol Peacock, and Board Recorder, Mary Ann Williams, have worked hard to clarify the Board terms.  As a result, they have uncovered a third seat up for election.  Carol Peacock and Roy Capio have agreed to run for re-election.  One new Board member will join the team.  Cathy Haggerty will join the slate that will be presented at the Annual Meeting.
You may attend the Annual Meeting either in person or via Zoom.  If you wish to attend via Zoom, please email us at uofbcommunity@gmail.com for the Zoom link, before Saturday, February 24.

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Spiritual Cinema "The Singing Revolutioon"

Light! Projector! Action!

Join us this Sunday after service for a viewing of the award-winning 2006 documentary 'The Singing Revolution'.

Film critic Robert W. Butler said of the film, "If The Singing Revolution were a fictional film, it would be dismissed as a pie-in-the-sky fantasy. But it's all true."

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Choir Practice

Bring a desire to sing and a love of music!

Plans are for the choir to provide Musical Inspiration during the Sunday service at least once a month. Rehearsals will begin immediately after the Sunday service and run until about noon on Sundays.

Anyone who wants to sing is welcome to join us. You do not need to be able to read music.

Please contact Phyllis Wickliff if you would like to participate or have questions.

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'Faith in Place' Meeting & Workshop

People of Faith and Justice

Protecting Our Earth

Faith in Place works with faith communities throughout Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin to advocate for environmental justice and healthier communities.
Faith communities are at the heart of the work that is done by Faith in Place, as they assist spiritual centers in developing Green Teams, empowering them to take action to “green” their centers and address climate change and environmental issues within their communities.
Christine Glaser has been the Indiana Policy Coordinator for Faith in Place since July 2022.  She was co-founder of the Bloomington Center for Sustainable Living and has served on the City of Bloomington Sustainability Commission.  Join Christine for an informative workshop/discussion after the Sunday service on January 28.  Discover the wide variety of program supports that Faith in Place has to offer in areas that you may be interested in exploring – ranging from energy and climate to sustainable food and land use, water preservation, youth empowerment and advocacy.  Become part of a Unity of Bloomington Green Team, and take action to live the Truth that we know, in order to make our commUnity the best that it can be. 

Faith in Place is a non-profit that partners with communities of faith from diverse religious traditions as well as people who identify as spiritual or motivated by justice but don't identify with a specific faith tradition.

You can learn more about Faith in Place on their website:


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'A Course in Miracles' Workshop, part 8

with Rev. Karen Williams and Wendy Wonderley

‘A Course in Miracles’ refers to a miraculous healing process as a shift in perception. This is a process that leads to deeper healing than most people experience since the healing is transformative. It is internal soul-level healing.

Join us for a workshop to learn and practice effective soul-healing techniques that create a more loving and peaceful life.

It is not necessary to have attended the first session to attend this second session.

Everyone is welcome, no prior attendance is required.

You may view recordings of previous workshops in this series here: A Course in Miracles 2023 Playlist on YouTube

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Unity Basics Class & Workshop

Presented by Rev. David LeBeau via Zoom

New to Unity? Need a refresher? Join us after the service for a Zoom class and workshop hosted by Rev. David LeBeau! Learn about the history of the Unity movement and its founders, Unity’s principles, and more! This is a great resource for those looking to become members of Unity of Bloomington!


Unity is not a traditional church.  Whether you are new to Unity or a long-time member, you are invited to join Rev. David LeBeau in a Unity Basics and refresher class on January 14.
The Unity movement has been devoted to helping people realize their own unity with God for over 100 years.  Unity works not only with prayer, but with the new science of intentional prayer.  It works not only in the field of healing, but with a new understanding of quantum energy in healing.  It promotes prosperity, but with a new definition of abundance.  It works for peace among all humans, encouraging living life like Jesus.
Unity is an ecumenical teaching movement, seeking to inspire people to engage in self-discovery and experience self-awareness in community with an interesting, varied and unique group of people.  Those who are searching for deeper meaning are of all religious affiliations (or none), and of all ethnicities, genders, orientations, and socioeconomic backgrounds.  Plan to join ordained Unity minister Rev. David LeBeau and others in the Unity commUnity for the workshop “Exploring the Dynamics for Living, which is an exploration of the core concepts of Unity.  There will be a potluck lunch between the Sunday morning service and the Zoom class.

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'A Course in Miracles' Workshop, part 7

with Rev. Karen Williams and Wendy Wonderley

This special Christmas workshop is about the holy Christ born within us, not just once a year, but every day. The Christ is ourselves, our true Self, that God created. Join us to learn about who we really are, how to birth our inner Christ, and how to receive some new gifts from God that we can use as we move into a new year.


‘A Course in Miracles’ refers to a miraculous healing process as a shift in perception. This is a process that leads to deeper healing than most people experience since the healing is transformative. It is internal soul-level healing.

Join us for a workshop to learn and practice effective soul-healing techniques that create a more loving and peaceful life.

It is not necessary to have attended the first session to attend this second session.

Everyone is welcome, no prior attendance is required.

You may view recordings of previous workshops in this series here: A Course in Miracles 2023 Playlist on YouTube

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Deck the Chapel!

Kickstart the Holidays!

Join us after the service to help make our chapel festive and jolly! We will need people to unpack decorations, assemble and decorate the tree, hang decorations along the windows, etc.

As always, snacks will be available!

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Welcome Greeters Gathering

Immediately Following the Service

Calling All Greeters! And potential Greeters! Our Sunday morning Greeters provide the most important ministry at Unity of Bloomington – that of friendship and commUnity. Our Greeters are the first faces seen by visitors and members alike each Sunday morning. That first contact sets the stage for the energy of the day. Be a part of making someone’s day a little brighter – and part of introducing new visitors to the love that we have here.

Bring your ideas! Ask your questions! Talk about what is working and what could be a little better. Your energy and thoughts are important!

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'A Course in Miracles' Workshop, part 6

with Rev. Karen Williams and Wendy Wonderley

‘A Course in Miracles’ refers to a miraculous healing process as a shift in perception. This is a process that leads to deeper healing than most people experience since the healing is transformative. It is internal soul-level healing.

Join us for a workshop to learn and practice effective soul-healing techniques that create a more loving and peaceful life.

It is not necessary to have attended the first session to attend this second session.

Everyone is welcome, no prior attendance is required.

You may view recordings of previous workshops in this series here: A Course in Miracles 2023 Playlist on YouTube

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Newcomers' Connect

Learn About Unity and Meet New Friends!

Are you new to Unity?  Would you like to learn more about Unity? Attend a get-together in the Cady Room downstairs! 

This is an active presentation and discussion for people who are thinking about a deeper connection with Unity.  For example: What does “New Thought” mean? What resources are available? How could Unity help with my spiritual journey?

Led by Mary Ann Williams (UOB Board Recorder) and Joanie Spain (UOB Board President), this is a time to ask questions that visitors and newcomers to Unity of Bloomington may have. And a time to connect with others seeking a meaningful spiritual path.

If you’d like to attend, please contact the office.

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Fall Picnic Potluck

Bring a Dish and Celebrate!

We’re closing the season with our annual outdoor picnic! We will be in the playground by the parking lot after the service. Come join us!

If you would like to be involved in set-up/clean-up, food sign-up, possible entertainment, children’s activities, etc, please contact Dan Piekarsky through the ministry email.

Your ideas and energy are welcome and needed, to make this commUnity event a fun time for all!

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Choir Rehearsals Begin

Bring a desire to sing and a love of music!

Plans are for the choir to provide Musical Inspiration during the Sunday service at least once a month. Rehearsals will begin immediately after the Sunday service and run until about noon on Sundays.

Anyone who wants to sing is welcome to join us. You do not need to be able to read music.

Please contact Phyllis Wickliff if you would like to participate or have questions.

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Contemplative Spiritual Practices Workshop, with Joanie Spain

The dictionary defines the word “contemplate” as: “To look at or view with continued attention; observe thoughtfully; to consider thoroughly; think fully or deeply about.”
Contemplative practices have existed throughout the ages and across all traditions. They encompass a wide variety of practical and transformative activities that serve to calm the mind and deepen our connection with Source. The health benefits of engaging in regular contemplative practice are also well documented. In this experiential workshop, we will explore three specific practices, as well as discover resources for further investigation.

Our Board President, Joanie Spain, will lead this workshop on August 27. Joanie is a Career Specialist at the I.U. Jacobs School of Music, and currently is completing the first year of the two-year Unity Spiritual Direction Certificate Program through Unity Worldwide Ministries.

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'A Course in Miracles' workshop, with Rev. Karen Williams and Wendy Wonderley

Session 5

This workshop will cover "Everthing You Always Wanted to Know about ACIM but Didn't Want to Have to Read the Whole Course to Find Out."  This is the Epilogue in Alan Cohen's book "A Course In Miracles Made Easy."  In other words, we are going to bring A Course in Miracles principles down to earth to recognize it is a map out of “hell” or fear.

Everyone is welcome, no prior attendance is required.

You may view recordings of previous workshops in this series here: A Course in Miracles 2023 Playlist on YouTube

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CommUnity Update Meeting

After Sunday Service

What are we doing about renovating the chapel? Where will the Love Quilt be displayed? When will we hear about possible new ministerial candidates? Who is scheduled to be speaking in Sunday services over the next few months? How are we coming in restarting our Youth and Family Ministries program? These questions and more will be addressed in a CommUnity Update Meeting directly after the Sunday service on July 16. There are a lot of things in progress. Grab a snack and join us to stay in the loop and have your questions answered.

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Newcomers' Connect

Learn About Unity and Meet New Friends!

Join us downstairs in the Cady Room for a low-tech opportunity to meet and mingle with recent
visitors and newcomers to Unity. Find out a few things about Unity and ways to connect.

Led by Mary Ann Williams--UoB Board Recorder & Luke
Salmon--UoB Board of Trustees Member.

If you’d like to attend, please contact the office by July 5th.

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Songbath with Bloomington Threshold Choir

A Time for Reflection and Peace

The Threshold Choir is an international organization whose members provide comfort and peace in the form of soothing music, sung to those who are standing on any threshold in life. A trio of a cappella singers is most commonly found at the bedside of people close to the threshold of death. But members also lend their voices in NICU units, chemotherapy rooms, veterans hospitals, and other places where comfort and support are needed for any reason.

Our world presents many physical and emotional challenges on a daily basis, and comforting music often allows us to handle those challenges in a more positive manner. So, singers from the Threshold Choir also provide positive and peaceful waves of song in a “songbath” for anyone who welcomes a quiet time of personal reflection.

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'A Course in Miracles' Workshop, Pt. 4

With Rev. Karen Williams and Wendy Wonderley

‘A Course in Miracles’ refers to a miraculous healing process as a shift in perception. This is a process that leads to deeper healing than most people experience since the healing is transformative. It is internal soul-level healing.

The perception of our relationship with God is confirmed, or mirrored, through our relationships with each other.  This workshop will explore that we are here to create holy relationships with all beings. The Course says "An unholy (special) relationship is no relationship.   It is a state of isolation, which seems to be what it is not.  No more than that."

It is not necessary to have attended the prior sessions to attend this third session.

We hope you join us!

This workshop will be available in-person in the Unity of Bloomington chapel, and online via livestream. The recording will be available on our YouTube and Facebook pages for later viewing.

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'A Course in Miracles' Workshop, pt. 3

For Returning and New Attendees

Rev. Karen Williams and Wendy Wonderley will continue their workshop series explaining A Course in Miracles (ACIM). The idea of healing relationships through forgiveness is central to the teachings of ACIM.

The Course also takes a look at what is Real and our perception of the world. Each workshop is self-contained, so no attendance at previous workshops is necessary.

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Fire Ceremony with Wendy Wonderley

You are invited to participate in a Q’ero fire ceremony!

On May 7, following the Sunday service, Wendy Wonderley will conduct a fire ceremony based on the traditions of people of the Andes.

Fire is the quickest element to use for transformation, and we will use our fire to celebrate spring (Beltane-May Day), new beginnings, honor Pachamama (Mother Earth), and invite healing. We will also add our own personal healing.

Weather permitting, we will build a fire in a fire pot in the Unity of Bloomington parking lot, so please dress accordingly. Our chanting and rattling will take us into a lovely frame of mind where we can individually approach the fire to remove the blocks to our desired healings.

Bring your good energy, the healing(s) you’d like to work on, your “medicine bundle” (or favorite crystal, stone, white stone, feather, or other meaningful object), and a rattle (we will have some rattles available if you don’t have one). All other fire ceremony materials will be provided.

We will celebrate with light snacks afterwards.

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Ministerial Search Team Meeting

CommUnity OpportUnity!

There will be a short orientation meeting after the Sunday service for ALL people interested in being part of the Ministerial Search Team.

Rev. Nat will explain the search process, introduce the Executive Committee, and describe the expectations and responsibilities for those who participate.

EVERYONE is welcome to view the applications and resumes that we will receive, and EVERYONE is welcome to sit in on the interviews and submit questions to be discussed.

Please plan to invest in our future by attending this meeting and being a part of the search. 

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