Unity of Bloomington is blessed with an active community that extends beyond our congregation. We have opportunities every month for workshops, music, exercise, movies, food, discussions, and more! Feel free to bring a friend!

This page is intended for events that occur either once per month or are unique.
Please click here to visit our Groups & Spiritual Education page for information about events that occur more frequently.

Keep an eye on this page for new opportunities, or subscribe to our newsletter for a weekly upate.

Drum Circle

Drum Circle

Come Make Some Noise!

Meeting will be held in the Unity of Bloomington Chapel. Parking available in the lot on Gordon Pike, or in the semi-circle on Rogers St.

Beginners and experienced players welcome! This event is open to interested persons who aren’t members of Unity of Bloomington, so bring a friend!
Some drums will be provided, but feel free to bring or create your own!
If you have extra drums, maracas, shakers, or other percussion instruments, please bring them to share if you’re comfortable doing so.

If you have further questions, please email Jonna Capio at jonna.capio@gmail.com

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Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

We will look at the budget for next year, elect new trustees for our Board, and discuss our business and visions for the future as an entire commUnity.  In order to make your vote count at this Annual Meeting, you must be a formal member of UofB.  According to our By-Laws, this means that you need to renew your membership and/or become a new member at least 60 days before the Annual Meeting (deadline of December 25). If you are not yet a formal member of our UofB commUnity, you can find the New Member Application by clicking here.

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InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay is an active and creative approach to unlocking the wisdom of the body. It is a system of guided, improvisational forms and tools based in telling stories, making sounds, creating movement, and having stillness.

Maryellen May leads this workshop in the Unity chapel. Set up and social time starts at 12:30 p.m., with the workshop running from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. There is no cost!

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Drum Circle

Drum Circle

Come Make Some Noise!

Meeting will be held in the Unity of Bloomington Chapel. Parking available in the lot on Gordon Pike, or in the semi-circle on Rogers St.

Beginners and experienced players welcome! This event is open to interested persons who aren’t members of Unity of Bloomington, so bring a friend!
Some drums will be provided, but feel free to bring or create your own!
If you have extra drums, maracas, shakers, or other percussion instruments, please bring them to share if you’re comfortable doing so.

If you have further questions, please email Jonna Capio at jonna.capio@gmail.com

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InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay is an active and creative approach to unlocking the wisdom of the body. It is a system of guided, improvisational forms and tools based in telling stories, making sounds, creating movement, and having stillness.

Maryellen May leads this workshop in the Unity chapel. Set up and social time starts at 12:30 p.m., with the workshop running from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. There is no cost!

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Drum Circle

Drum Circle

Come Make Some Noise!

Meeting will be held in the Unity of Bloomington Chapel. Parking available in the lot on Gordon Pike, or in the semi-circle on Rogers St.

Beginners and experienced players welcome! This event is open to interested persons who aren’t members of Unity of Bloomington, so bring a friend!
Some drums will be provided, but feel free to bring or create your own!
If you have extra drums, maracas, shakers, or other percussion instruments, please bring them to share if you’re comfortable doing so.

If you have further questions, please email Jonna Capio at jonna.capio@gmail.com

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Guest Musician: Melanie DeMore

Guest Musician: Melanie DeMore

We will have the great joy of experiencing Melanie DeMore on Sunday, November 17!  Melanie is a three-time Grammy nominated singer/composer, choral conductor, voice activist and song leader.  She has performed at Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, and at music festivals in many parts of the world. Traveling the globe, Melanie uses music to connect and inspire people to work towards a better world.

Melanie will join with our Unity choir for the Musical Inspiration at the Sunday service.  Then, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. afterwards, she will lead a Community Sing that is open to the public.  (Love offerings will be accepted, with a suggested donation of $10-20)

We are so grateful to have her join us!! Please invite your friends and plan to attend!

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

If you like to sing, come join the Unity of Bloomington Choir! The Choir is a separate group from the Music Team that leads the congregation on Sunday mornings.

ANYONE is welcome to join the Choir. No musical experience is necessary; you don’t need to be able to read music. We need people who just love to sing!!
Rehearsals are once a month, on the second Saturday of each month, from 10:00 to 11:15 am, and the Choir sings once a month for the Sunday service.
You receive mp3 recordings to your email with your voice part, so you can listen and practice at home.

Come join your voice in the FUN of music at UofB!!!

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Soup Sunday!

Soup Sunday!

It’s that comfy, cozy, autumn season when we begin to shift our summer salads to soup-time!  We will have a commUnity Soup Sunday on November 10.  There are sign-up sheets for soups,  bread, sides and dessert on the back snack tables.  Please plan to join us in a “soup-er” potluck after the service. 

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

If you like to sing, come join the Unity of Bloomington Choir! The Choir is a separate group from the Music Team that leads the congregation on Sunday mornings.

ANYONE is welcome to join the Choir. No musical experience is necessary; you don’t need to be able to read music. We need people who just love to sing!!
Rehearsals are once a month, on the second Saturday of each month, from 10:00 to 11:15 am, and the Choir sings once a month for the Sunday service.
You receive mp3 recordings to your email with your voice part, so you can listen and practice at home.

Come join your voice in the FUN of music at UofB!!!

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InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay is an active and creative approach to unlocking the wisdom of the body. It is a system of guided, improvisational forms and tools based in telling stories, making sounds, creating movement, and having stillness.

Maryellen May leads this workshop in the Unity chapel. Set up and social time starts at 12:30 p.m., with the workshop running from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. There is no cost!

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Drum Circle

Drum Circle

Come Make Some Noise!

Meeting will be held in the Unity of Bloomington Chapel. Parking available in the lot on Gordon Pike, or in the semi-circle on Rogers St.

Beginners and experienced players welcome! This event is open to interested persons who aren’t members of Unity of Bloomington, so bring a friend!
Some drums will be provided, but feel free to bring or create your own!
If you have extra drums, maracas, shakers, or other percussion instruments, please bring them to share if you’re comfortable doing so.

If you have further questions, please email Jonna Capio at jonna.capio@gmail.com

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

If you like to sing, come join the Unity of Bloomington Choir! The Choir is a separate group from the Music Team that leads the congregation on Sunday mornings.

ANYONE is welcome to join the Choir. No musical experience is necessary; you don’t need to be able to read music. We need people who just love to sing!!
Rehearsals are typically once a month, on the second Saturday of each month, from 10:00 to 11:15 am, and the Choir sings once a month for the Sunday service.
You receive mp3 recordings to your email with your voice part, so you can listen and practice at home.

Come join your voice in the FUN of music at UofB!!!

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InterPlay Workshop
to Oct 16

InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay is an active and creative approach to unlocking the wisdom of the body. It is a system of guided, improvisational forms and tools based in telling stories, making sounds, creating movement, and having stillness.

Maryellen May leads this workshop in the Unity chapel. Set up and social time starts at 12:30 p.m., with the workshop running from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. There is no cost!

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42nd Anniversary Potluck!

42nd Anniversary Potluck!

Save The Date for our 42nd Anniversary Celebration here at Unity of Bloomington on Sunday, September 22. We’ll DEFINITELY have a commUnity potluck after the service – outside if the weather is good. Other details are in the works. Make sure you put the date on your calendar and plan to atten

! If you are interested in planning some activities for this event, please see Dan Piekarsky or Luke Salmon.

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Drum Circle

Drum Circle

Come Make Some Noise!

Meeting will be held in the Unity of Bloomington Chapel. Parking available in the lot on Gordon Pike, or in the semi-circle on Rogers St.

Beginners and experienced players welcome! This event is open to interested persons who aren’t members of Unity of Bloomington, so bring a friend!
Some drums will be provided, but feel free to bring or create your own!
If you have extra drums, maracas, shakers, or other percussion instruments, please bring them to share if you’re comfortable doing so.

If you have further questions, please email Jonna Capio at jonna.capio@gmail.com

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Bloomington Pride Fest!

Bloomington Pride Fest!

We are proud to participate in this exciting event up and down Kirkwood Avenue in the heart of our town. It’s a wonderful opportunity to make the greater Bloomington community aware of the warmth and welcome that is waiting for them within the doors of Unity of Bloomington.

Maryellen May is heading up the team to plan and orchestrate our appearance at this event. Volunteers are needed for 1-1/2 hour time slots throughout the day, to staff our table and interact with all of the people at this well-attended, fun event. A number of time slots are available, starting at 12:30 p.m. To volunteer, use the Sign-up Genius link below, or contact Maryellen at uofbcommunity@gmail.com


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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

If you like to sing, come join the Unity of Bloomington Choir! The Choir is a separate group from the Music Team that leads the congregation on Sunday mornings.

ANYONE is welcome to join the Choir. No musical experience is necessary; you don’t need to be able to read music. We need people who just love to sing!!
Rehearsals are once a month, on the second Saturday of each month, from 10:00 to 11:15 am, and the Choir sings once a month for the Sunday service.
You receive mp3 recordings to your email with your voice part, so you can listen and practice at home.

We will sing “Everybody’s Got a Place in the Choir” on September 15. It’s a fun, easy song with a metaphysical undertone that spells out that EVERYONE has a place -- in the Choir, in the world, and at Unity of Bloomington. Come join your voice in the FUN of music at UofB!!!

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SPIRITUAL CINEMA: Groundhog Day (1993)

SPIRITUAL CINEMA: Groundhog Day (1993)

What would you do if you found yourself stuck in a time-loop in which you make the same mistakes over and over and over?

Find out whether Phil ever learns from his mistakes and finds a way to escape the time-loop. Following the screening, we will gather for a discussion of the psychological and spiritual implications of the film. There is no cost to attend, and popcorn will be provided!

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InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay is an active and creative approach to unlocking the wisdom of the body. It is a system of guided, improvisational forms and tools based in telling stories, making sounds, creating movement, and having stillness.

Maryellen May leads this workshop in the Unity chapel. Set up and social time starts at 12:30 p.m., with the workshop running from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. There is no cost!

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Drum Circle

Drum Circle

Come Make Some Noise!

Meeting will be held in the Unity of Bloomington Chapel. Parking available in the lot on Gordon Pike, or in the semi-circle on Rogers St.

Beginners and experienced players welcome! This event is open to interested persons who aren’t members of Unity of Bloomington, so bring a friend!
Some drums will be provided, but feel free to bring or create your own!
If you have extra drums, maracas, shakers, or other percussion instruments, please bring them to share if you’re comfortable doing so.

If you have further questions, please email Jonna Capio at jonna.capio@gmail.com

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InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay Workshop

InterPlay is an active and creative approach to unlocking the wisdom of the body. It is a system of guided, improvisational forms and tools based in telling stories, making sounds, creating movement, and having stillness.

Maryellen May leads this workshop in the Unity chapel. Set up and social time starts at 12:30 p.m., with the workshop running from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. There is no cost!

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Dessert Reception for Rev. Gabon

Dessert Reception for Rev. Gabon

Rev. Minnassa will be joining us in August! Sunday, August 4 will be her first Sunday service!

A dessert reception is planned following that first Sunday service. So, be thinking of your best and favorite dessert recipes to show off the culinary talents of UofB. Other plans are in the works. Watch for details soon!!

If you have ideas or would like to be involved in planning these activities, drop an email to uofbcommunity@gmail.com.

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'A Course in Miracles' Workshop

'A Course in Miracles' Workshop

‘A Course in Miracles’ refers to a miraculous healing process as a shift in perception. This is a process that leads to deeper healing than most people experience since the healing is transformative. It is internal soul-level healing.

Join us for a workshop to learn and practice effective soul-healing techniques that create a more loving and peaceful life.

Everyone is welcome, no prior attendance is required.
You may view recordings of previous workshops in this series here: A Course in Miracles 2023 Playlist on YouTube

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