Installed Fall 2021
Generates over 100%
of our power needs
Unity of Bloomington is committed
to enacting positive change in our world
Be the change YOU want to see!
A CommUnity Effort
During our annual congregational Zoom meeting in January 2021, some members expressed interest in adding solar power panels to our building. At a Special Congregational Meeting held on August 22, 2021, the congregation approved the formation of an LLC along with Bill Todd, a Tax Equity Investor. We then contracted Whole Sun Designs Inc. — a leader in solar power — to build a solar array on the Unity of Bloomington grounds.
The array is ground-mounted on the slope between Gordon Pike and our building. It will initially provide 27kW of power, which represents 107% of our historical power usage. The performance guarantee of the panels is such that at the end of 25 years the array will still provide 100% of our historical power use!
Our thanks to the workforce at Whole Suns Designs, and to Bill Todd for helping us make this project a reality!
You may still contribute to the solar power project and its upkeep by designating a gift
We are grateful for Unity of Bloomington, where our principles inspire us to improve our communities and the world!