Backpack Buddies
The Community Kitchen of Monroe County provides backpacks of weekend food to selected low-income children at local schools, approximately 400 children across 18 different local schools. These children receive an 8 lb backpack of food each week to help their families with their weekend food needs. In many cases, children in poverty are only able to get regular meals from school lunches (and breakfasts, where applicable).
Low supply for a high demand
Over one-and-a-half tons of food is needed each week for this program. The box for your donated food is located inside the door of the Rogers Street entrance. When the box is full, we deliver it to Community Kitchen. We would love to deliver a full box every week. Please consider picking something up during your weekly grocery trip; anything helps.
Items should be small and lightweight, such as canned meat, peanut butter, fruit cups, and easy to prepare items. For a full list of most-needed foods, please visit the Community Kitchen programs page.
New Hope for Families
New Hope provide emergency shelter for up to 12 families at a time while their dedicated team of skilled and caring professionals work with those families to help them move through homelessness to stability. New Hope is the only place in Monroe County where families with children can find shelter together.
Unity of Bloomington hosts supply drives for new Hope several times per year, and during the Christmas season “adopts” a New Hope family to gift with essentials and comforts. In 2024, Unity of Bloomington sponsored a New Hope family consisting of two grandparents, two parents, and two young children. Our commUnity was able to donate more than double what New Hope had requested! We wish all the best to this family.
You can learn more about New Hope for Families on their website by clicking here.