Unity of Bloomington is blessed with an active community that extends beyond our congregation. We have opportunities every month for workshops, music, exercise, movies, food, discussions, and more! Feel free to bring a friend!

This page is intended for events that occur either once per month or are unique.
Please click here to visit our Groups & Spiritual Education page for information about events that occur more frequently.

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Filtering by: “Holiday”

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Bring your children, nieces, nephews, and young friends to the Unity of Bloomington Easter Egg Hunt immediately after the Sunday service on Easter, March 31. Rain or shine! The hunt will take place in the playground if the sun is shining; if it rains, we will hide the eggs downstairs.

If you would like to be involved in planning this event, hiding eggs before the service, providing materials needed, or in any other way, contact Patty Robinson at uofbcommunity@gmail.com. Even if you don’t have young people to invite, come and watch the fun!!!

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Good Friday Online Service, with Southeast Region of Unity

Good Friday Online Service, with Southeast Region of Unity

The Southeast Region of Unity is offering an online Good Friday experience. Unity ministers and other leaders, including youth, from Unity Ministries located in the Southeast Region will present a three-hour contemplative meditation experience surrounding The Seven Last Words of Jesus. Each segment will have live music, a short discourse, meditation, and will end with a minute of silence.

On Friday, March 29, anytime between noon and 3:00 p.m EST, you can be part of the service.

Go to seunityministries.org/event/the-good-friday-project-3/ for the link to register on Breeze. After registration, a link to join the Zoom connection will be sent to you a few days before Good Friday. The Southeast Region of Unity encompasses Unity communities in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. We are grateful to Rev. Robin Volker for making us aware of this offering.

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Christmas Caroling

Spread Some Joy!

If you love singing Christmas music, you are invited to join a group going Christmas caroling on Friday, December 8.

Members of the Bloomington Threshold Choir and the Bloomington Peace Choir will be caroling at Bloomington Nursing and Rehab (5:15 to 6:15 pm) and Redbud Hills (6:20 to 7:15 pm). Anyone else who wishes to sing is welcome! Traditional carols and well- known Christmas songs will be on the agenda – songs everyone knows!

Please see or contact Phyllis Wickliff if you are interested in participating.

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Deck the Chapel!

Kickstart the Holidays!

Join us after the service to help make our chapel festive and jolly! We will need people to unpack decorations, assemble and decorate the tree, hang decorations along the windows, etc.

As always, snacks will be available!

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CCCNS Trunk or Treat!

Halloween fun in the Unity Parking Lot!

You are invited to bring your car, open the trunk, and provide treats for “our” preschoolers, as they parade in their Halloween costumes.  This is an opportunity to engage a little with the “youngest” generation and provide them with a safe and welcoming Halloween experience.  In previous years, some of our UOB members have dressed in costume and even decorated their cars!  Plan to be a part of some Halloween fun!

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'The Lighter Side of Parenting', with Rev. David LeBeau

Childcare Provided!

In the face of the overwhelming number of apocalyptic movies and shows, both adults and young people may be feeling like the future is bleak. Join Rev. David LeBeau this Sunday in exploring some of the skills that Truth provides us to deal with unexpected circumstances. Using those skills, we can create enduring gifts that we can give the younger generations.

Please contact the office if you plan on bringing a child so that we can ensure there are enough supplies for everyone.

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Memorial Day Service

with Luke Salmon

What did we inherit from our ancestors?  Were they dreams or shortcomings?  What are we aware of in the present?  What are we leaving behind for those who will come after us?  Luke Salmon asks these questions and searches for the answers as part of our Memorial Day service. 

A candle-lighting ceremony will be included, as participants are asked to light a candle for the past and for the future.

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Mother's Day Service

Honoring Mothers Everywhere

Child care will be available for preschoolers during our Mother's Day service on May 14.

Join us on Mother’s Day as Susan Dabkowski, Cricket Houze and Mary Madore explore their relationships with mothers and motherhood.

Come and enjoy our service, while your children participate in fun activities downstairs.

Please contact ministry@unityofbloomington.org if you would like to bring your young ones, so that we have an idea of the approximate number planning to attend.

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