Many Hands Make Work Light
We extend gratitude to the many hands contributing to the day-to-day activities at Unity of Bloomington.
If you feel inspired to lend your time and talents, here are some opportunities!
Youth and Family Ministries
Volunteers are needed to assist with this program each Sunday. If you love children of any age, and have time and energy to spare, you will find this to be a most gratifying team with which to work. Volunteering for just one Sunday per month would be a great help!
We are in the process of revamping our Youth Spiritual Education program. Childcare is offered during the Sunday morning service thanks to Machai St. Rain, a paid childcare worker who is grounded in Unity principles.
Music Team
Our Music Team is always eager for new singers — solo or ensemble. We would also warmly welcome choristers, keyboardists, percussionists, and other instrumentalists.
Don’t feel pressured to volunteer every Sunday; feel free to participate as you feel comfortable. You may also volunteer to perform on our occasional All Music Sundays (when there’s a fifth Sunday).
Music is an integral part of our Sunday services, holidays, and other events.
If you have a love or talent for music,
Please consider contacting our music director by clicking here.
These folks greet people, distribute programs before the Sunday service, and help collect donations during the Love Offering. Volunteers for this team are asked to sign up to help once every 4-8 weeks, so don’t worry about participating weekly.
This is a great position for new members who want to get involved and meet new people!
Click this sentence to choose a date for volunteering as a Greeter.
Food and Fellowship
We host community potlucks four to five times each year. That’s when our Hospitality Team is indispensable. Everyone brings food to share, but if you want to set up, decorate, help in the kitchen, or clean up after the meal, we would be happy to add you to this group.
This team also helps ensure that we have fresh coffee and snacks on Sunday mornings. Gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan offerings are often provided!
Outreach & Public Service
An important part of living the Truth that we know is service beyond our own spiritual family. This Team has made and collected items for people in need, raised money for a far-away Tibetan monastery, and participated in interfaith services and projects. We welcome your interest, energy, and ideas to this Team.
One of our current ongoing activities in this category is our support of the Backpack Buddies program, which ensures that school-aged children have food at home on the weekends while away from the school cafeteria.
Building and Facilities
We have an amazing facilities manager who works with us; but a few times a year, he needs some help. Spring gardening, fall leaf-raking, and major renovation projects all give us opportunities to pitch in and get our hands dirty — literally! This Team helps us maintain our stately, mid-century building and the beautiful grounds that surround it.