Unity of Bloomington relies on and is grateful for the talents of its staff and volunteers, from within and without our CommUnity. This space is dedicated to their service, and acts as a directory for whom should be approached for various topics.
Spritual Leader
Rev. Minnassa Gabon
Rev. Gabon joyfully joined Unity of Bloomington in Summer 2024. She combines her traditional seminary & ministerial training with her New Thought/Ancient Wisdom faith to provide her audience with the tools to turn within and bring forth their hidden gifts and skills to create and live the life they want and deserve.
Board of Trustees
When not drafting meeting agendas as Board President of Unity of Bloomington, Joanie Spain is a Career Advisor in the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University. She is also completing the certificate program in Spiritual Direction through Unity Worldwide Ministries and leads life skills classes with the women of Sojourn House, a two-year residential program for survivors of human trafficking (yes – right here in Bloomington).
Joanie and her husband John currently share this journey through life on five tranquil acres with their basset hound-mix Toby, roving bands of deer and wild turkeys, and the occasional red fox.
Dan Piekarsky has been a member of Unity of Bloomington since 1996. He has been learning and living with Unity Practices and Principals since the first time he attended a service in the Waldron Theater. One could argue that his process has been slow, but the lessons absorbed have become embedded deeply with years of commitment, service and leadership to this community. He endeavors to be the Light and to see the Light. He is married to the love of his life, Beth, and has two adult children, Will and Christopher.
Roy Capio has served on the Unity of Bloomington Board for 7 years, 4 of these as the Treasurer. Being a Treasurer of an Intentional faith community has special practical challenges.
“I walk a delicate balance of having to focus on material needs and challenges of the building and community while keeping the belief that all the abundance already exists but may not yet be apparent. This process is personally challenging and rewarding. I am being stretched in my faith and learning plenty about navigating the complexities of relationships and financial needs for our community.”
Luke Salmon was born and raised in Bloomington, attended Bloomington North and Ivy Tech, and is currently employed at Catalent as a Senior Manufacturing Specialist.
During the pandemic, he played an important part in training personnel to operate new equipment that produced the Covid vaccine.
He is married to Monica, with two children, Maebry and Waylon.
Luke is the Board liaison to the Chapel Action Team, Youth and Family Ministry and Hospitality Committees. In addition, he is taking some of the online SEE courses available through Unity Worldwide Ministries.
Carol began attending Unity of Bloomington in 2016, when she and her husband Wade moved from Michigan. She had been a member of Unity of Ann Arbor.
One of her favorite affirmations is "Let go, let God." Trusting that the right outcome is already on its way, she can surrender any concerns she has. Her task is to become still and listen for guidance from Spirit.
Cathy was raised on a farm and learned to be overly responsible, to drive herself hard and not quit until the job at hand was perfectly complete. She learned life is what you make it and she believed to stay sane, stay busy. Cathy is semi-retired from a successful Buy, Sell, Trade Business. Cathy credits her realization that “everything that comes into your life is for your life” for saving her life.
Cathy stays active in the meditation and yoga circles. She teaches yoga at Unity on Saturday mornings and is proud to be serving as a board member.
Sunday Service Team
A life-long musician, Phyllis directs and accompanies three choirs: Unity of Bloomington, the Bloomington Peace Choir, and the Bloomington Threshold Choir. She writes original choral and solo music.
Phyllis has served on the Unity of Bloomington Board of Trustees.
“Music is food for my soul and the connection between All That Is and my earthly life. That connection transforms my physical life into pure Spirit, and gives me hope, comfort and joy!”
“If you are a family with children (or grandchildren), please bring your kids to see me on Sunday mornings from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM and you can enjoy an uplifting, positive, spiritual service; and meaningful, interesting conversations with cool people while your children get to sing (or not) and play with me for an hour!”
Sebastian is a lifelong Bloomington resident who has been attending Unity of Bloomington since the end of 2014. He has been managing the livestream since the 2020 COVID shutdown.
Raised by a technician and an art historian, Seb brings the fruits of his upbringing to the CommUnity. He can build both your computer and your slideshow.
“I'm more interested in the crevices of life than the jumbotron.”
Support Staff
“Handy Randy” (as he is known in the Bloomington area) holds a degree in Bio-Medical Electronics (BMET) from Purdue School of Engineering. His 30+ years of professional experience in commercial and residential construction has led to the building of our stage ramp and piano platform. Randy has also renovated our stage by removing the choir risers and baptismal, and adding the projector screen frame.
“To this day, I laugh at the similarities between the human body and the components of a building, in how they are put together and repaired.”
Jonna Marie Capio has been a member of Unity for 25 years. She credits the Unity principles and practices as being both ground and inspiration for her life and for her life’s work as a mental health therapist.
Jonna believes that every human is a seeker, but few people openly understand, acknowledge or embrace this, which is why she loves and supports Unity of Bloomington. Here, she can count on being able to seek freely and talk openly about all things “freaky and geeky” about Jesus and Spirit. Feeling both safe and connected are two basic human needs, and Jonna finds both here at Unity of Bloomington, the most welcoming community she has ever been a part of. Here, we all have permission “to BE” and to strive, with the best of our abilities, to be curious and not judgmental in relationships with one another. Which, she believes, is what life is all about.