Unity of Bloomington is blessed with an active community that extends beyond our congregation. We have opportunities every month for workshops, music, exercise, movies, food, discussions, and more! Feel free to bring a friend!

This page is intended for events that occur either once per month or are unique.
Please click here to visit our Groups & Spiritual Education page for information about events that occur more frequently.

Keep an eye on this page for new opportunities, or subscribe to our newsletter for a weekly upate.

Filtering by: “Unaffiliated Events”

Wrangle Some Weeds!

Wrangle Some Weeds!

The City of Bloomington will be removing invasive weeds on the Bloomington Rail Trail between Country Club Rd. and Gordon Pike.

If you would like to help clear invasive garlic mustard from the trail, meet in the UofB parking lot at 9:00 a.m.

Contact Gillian Field at 812-327-3708 or gillian.field@bloomington.in.gov with questions.

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Sing Together for Peace, Justice, & Liberation

Sing Together for Peace, Justice, & Liberation

**Upstairs in the Chapel**

**Parking available on W. Gordon Pike, drop-off on Rogers St.**

Take part in a gathering of like-minded, caring activists in joining voices and intention in singing in consciousness of peace and justice. Hosted by Angela Gabriel, Machai St. Rain, and Phyllis Wickliff.

Angela feels strongly that people in communities can use their voices as an outlet NOW to share their feelings through song in these troubled times.

"Coming together in souls and song right now is timely, needed, and necessary. Peace in music is our shield, and justice in music is our sword."

Please plan to join us for this *free* event, an opportunity to show your soul in song!

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Good Friday Online Service, with Southeast Region of Unity

Good Friday Online Service, with Southeast Region of Unity

The Southeast Region of Unity is offering an online Good Friday experience. Unity ministers and other leaders, including youth, from Unity Ministries located in the Southeast Region will present a three-hour contemplative meditation experience surrounding The Seven Last Words of Jesus. Each segment will have live music, a short discourse, meditation, and will end with a minute of silence.

On Friday, March 29, anytime between noon and 3:00 p.m EST, you can be part of the service.

Go to seunityministries.org/event/the-good-friday-project-3/ for the link to register on Breeze. After registration, a link to join the Zoom connection will be sent to you a few days before Good Friday. The Southeast Region of Unity encompasses Unity communities in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. We are grateful to Rev. Robin Volker for making us aware of this offering.

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David Roth Concert

David Roth Concert

David Roth is a well-known New Thought musician who tells heartwarming stories in his songs. (May the Light of Love, Practice Makes Progress, Will You Come Home, among many others.) David will be in concert at Unity of Anderson on March 24, in the evening.

There will be a sloppy joe dinner at 5:00 p.m., $10 charge. The concert will be from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., with a love offering request. This is a fundraiser to assist people attending the Posi Music Festival at Unity Village in June. Unity of Anderson is located at 2425 Mounds Road, Anderson, IN 46016.

If you would like to attend and wish to carpool with others, contact Phyllis Wickliff at pwickliff@gmail.com or on Sunday morning.

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Hoosier Heartland Meditation Retreat

Hoosier Heartland Meditation Retreat

Hoosier Heartland Shambhala Meditation Group is sponsoring a half-day meditation retreat on Saturday, March 23, from 8:30 a.m. to noon at The Center for Wholism, 2401 N. Walnut St.

Meditation will alternate between sitting and walking/yoga, with a tea break mid-morning. Bring a lunch and join those attending for conversation afterwards.To register, contact Susan M at semiddle@indiana.edu or call 812-272-4759.

A donation of $10 ($5 students/seniors) is suggested, but no-one will be turned away.

To register, contact Susan M at semiddle@indiana.edu or call 812-272-4759.

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Kirtan Experience

Kirtan Experience

What is a Kirtan Experience?

Kirtan is an ancient practice in which a “Wallah” (a kirtan facilitator) leads the audience in call-and-response devotional chanting. The practice is a fun, energizing, and healing way to learn mantras, sing in community (in a safe, supportive space), and commune with our higher selves. No experience is necessary. The mantras are repetitious and simple.

Bring a meditation cushion or pillow and a yoga mat. Wear comfy clothes for stretching, dancing, and relaxing.

Our facilitator, Mehtab Kirtan, is an active drummer/percussionist and facilitates sound journeys and kirtans throughout the Chicago area.

A sliding scale of $25 to $35 is suggested for participating in the kirtan, but no one will be turned away; tickets are available at the event. Come join a new and different experience and get in touch with your inner self!

Meeting in the Chapel upstairs. Parking available in the lower lot on W. Gordon Pike.

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Christmas Caroling

Spread Some Joy!

If you love singing Christmas music, you are invited to join a group going Christmas caroling on Friday, December 8.

Members of the Bloomington Threshold Choir and the Bloomington Peace Choir will be caroling at Bloomington Nursing and Rehab (5:15 to 6:15 pm) and Redbud Hills (6:20 to 7:15 pm). Anyone else who wishes to sing is welcome! Traditional carols and well- known Christmas songs will be on the agenda – songs everyone knows!

Please see or contact Phyllis Wickliff if you are interested in participating.

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CCCNS Trunk or Treat!

Halloween fun in the Unity Parking Lot!

You are invited to bring your car, open the trunk, and provide treats for “our” preschoolers, as they parade in their Halloween costumes.  This is an opportunity to engage a little with the “youngest” generation and provide them with a safe and welcoming Halloween experience.  In previous years, some of our UOB members have dressed in costume and even decorated their cars!  Plan to be a part of some Halloween fun!

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Bloomington Pride Fest

Volunteers Needed!

Unity of Bloomington will be staffing an information table at the Bloomington Pridefest 2023.

The festival is ranked by Thrillist as “the best college town pride in the nation”(!!!) and is the second largest LGBTQ+ gathering in Indiana. A record number of people is expected all up and down Kirkwood Avenue from 2:00 to 10:00 p.m. on that date.

This is our first foray into raising the visibility of UOB in the Bloomington community, and we are excited about the opportunity.
If you would like to be involved, please contact Brianne Bowser through the office email, or see her on Sunday morning.

Keep up with general festival activities on the Bloomington Pride website.

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A Tribute to Janiece Jaffe

Main Stage at Switchyard Park, Free!

Janiece Jaffee was a well-loved member of the extended Unity of Bloomington commUnity. Her monthly singing bowl sound meditations provided much-needed comfort and peace for many of us. Her influence is greatly missed.

This concert will feature Krista Detor, Monika Herzig, Marcos Cavalcante, and Amanda Lawson (Biggs).

Purchasable food will be available via Food Truck Friday.

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Meet at the Metz (carillon concert)

Hear the song “What a Wonderful World” in a completely new and different way. This is only one of the songs that will be featured in the carillon concert at the I.U. Arboretum at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 16. The musical program has an overarching “summer” theme, so there will be a few stormy pieces to represent an afternoon thunderstorm, and more mellow ones to convey a lazy summer day. In addition, there will be some works either from Spain or in a Spanish style. The agenda also includes some original carillon compositions, showcasing the bell-like tones. After the concert, tours of the instrument and its tower are available, with a basic history of carillons in general, I.U.'s Metz Carillon in particular, and a short demonstration of how the instrument is played. Free parking is available in several near-by lots. Bring a chair and/or a blanket and Meet at the Metz for a quiet Sunday afternoon with UOB friends.

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Songbath with Bloomington Threshold Choir

A Time for Reflection and Peace

The Threshold Choir is an international organization whose members provide comfort and peace in the form of soothing music, sung to those who are standing on any threshold in life. A trio of a cappella singers is most commonly found at the bedside of people close to the threshold of death. But members also lend their voices in NICU units, chemotherapy rooms, veterans hospitals, and other places where comfort and support are needed for any reason.

Our world presents many physical and emotional challenges on a daily basis, and comforting music often allows us to handle those challenges in a more positive manner. So, singers from the Threshold Choir also provide positive and peaceful waves of song in a “songbath” for anyone who welcomes a quiet time of personal reflection.

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