Upcoming Speakers

‘How Do We Deal with Our Errors?’, with Tana McElhinney & Rev. Bill Breeden

‘How Do We Deal with Our Errors?’, with Tana McElhinney & Rev. Bill Breeden

Tana and Bill will discuss how our programming impacts how we live in the world. Bill will share stories of two death row inmates and how they have dealt with their errors, as well as share his insights into what we might learn from them. Rev. Bill Breeden has years of experience ministering to the incarcerated and marginalized.

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'The Joy of Chaos', with  Rev. Stephanie Seigh

'The Joy of Chaos', with Rev. Stephanie Seigh

Rev. Stephanie Moyer Seigh, ACE, PCC, is a twice-ordained Minister (Unity and Interfaith) and a Professional Certified Coach. Before coming to Unity of Palmyra, she served several Unity and Interfaith communities, in Gettysburg, Harrisburg, and Allentown, PA; New York City, NY; and Atlanta, Georgia.

Rev. Stephanie was the national Director of Peacemaking and Transitional Services for Unity Worldwide Ministries. She was an adjunct faculty member at One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York City, and a mentor coach for The Academy for Coaching Excellence. She specializes in personal, organizational, and leadership coaching and consulting, and teaching classes and workshops on a variety of life-affirming topics.

Rev. Stephanie lives in Londonderry Township with her husband, Ken, and enjoys making her home beautiful, gardening, hosting friends and family, and spending time with her amazing granddaughters. She loves all things Star Trek and Star Wars and believes in the future Gene Roddenberry predicted decades ago: “Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins to not just tolerate, but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in lifeforms.”

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‘Are you my Mother?’, with Dan Piekarsky

‘Are you my Mother?’, with Dan Piekarsky

Dr. Seuss poses this question in his children's book, Are you my Mother? Dan will explore the many mothers in his life, their impact, and the concept of motherly love, in this celebration of mothers and mother figures in our lives.


Dan Piekarsky has been a member of Unity of Bloomington since 1996. He has been learning and living with Unity Practices and Principals since the first time he attended a service in the Waldron Theater. One could argue that his process has been slow, but the lessons absorbed have become embedded deeply with years of commitment, service and leadership to this community. He endeavors to be the light and to see the light.

He is married to the love of his life, Beth, and has two adult children, Will and Christopher.

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Ministerial Candidate: Rev. Ruth Miller

Ministerial Candidate: Rev. Ruth Miller

Ruth L. Miller integrates new understandings of culture and consciousness in a way that “the rest of us” can understand.

Working as a futurist and organizational and community development consultant, she taught in several colleges and universities around the Pacific Northwest, based on her degrees in anthropology, environmental studies, cybernetics, and systems science.

Now in her second career, the Rev. Dr. Miller serves as an ordained New Thought minister in Unitarian, Science of Mind, and Unity churches around Oregon.

Dr. Miller has written over two dozen books on the history and power of applied metaphysics, and dozens of reports on future impacts of present actions. She also manages several websites and a YouTube channel to provide broader access to her books, interviews, classes, and lectures, and she is the host of a regular radio program called Noetic Moments, on the science of consciousness.

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'Our Most Important Relationship', with David Alan Brown

'Our Most Important Relationship', with David Alan Brown

What are your agreements with God? Are you in an active spiritual partnership with the greatest power in the Universe? What might that look like and why is it important? David Alan Brown invites you to consider the context of human relationships and realize the power of your most important union — the one between you and Higher Power.

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'Easter in Story and Song', with Phyllis Wickliff

'Easter in Story and Song', with Phyllis Wickliff

“In your Easter bonnet / with all the frills upon it / You’ll be the grandest lady in the Easter parade.” Some of us will remember this song from the old Fred Astaire/Judy Garland movie – The Easter Parade. Easter parades are only one of the customs that traditionally mark the Easter season and the beginning of spring. Easter lilies; Easter baskets; big family dinners, often with ham or lamb; new clothes for church, with hats for ladies and patent leather Mary Janes for young girls. And, of course… Easter Egg Hunts!!! We invite you to incorporate some of these Easter traditions into your spiritual celebration of the season. Spiff up your wardrobe with a new outfit, a church lady hat, or new shoes. Plan a communal dinner with family or friends. Be a Secret Easter Bunny and create an anonymous surprise Easter basket for a friend. And . . . bring your children, nieces, nephews, young friends to the Unity of Bloomington Easter Egg Hunt immediately after the Sunday service on Easter, March 31. Rain or shine. The Hunt will take place in the playground if the sun is shining. If it rains, we will hide the eggs downstairs in CCCNS territory.

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‘Joyful Palms: Embracing Holy Week’, with Rev. Robin Volker, via Zoom

‘Joyful Palms: Embracing Holy Week’, with Rev. Robin Volker, via Zoom

On this Sunday, we embark on an eight-day journey reflecting on the final week of Jesus' earthly ministry.

This week, Reverend Robin invites us to release any preconceived notions or misunderstandings from past teachings. Together, we will listen with open hearts and open minds to receive a message that resonates with fresh and authentic significance for our lives today.

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‘Win With Wisdom’, with Rev. Robin Volker, via Zoom

‘Win With Wisdom’, with Rev. Robin Volker, via Zoom

Wisdom is one of the foundational powers of God as taught by Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity.

Do you believe you are anointed with the power of wisdom in your life? What are the steps we can use to climb the ladder to higher spiritual wisdom? Join Reverend Robin Volker on March 17, 2024, for this inspiring message full of practical insight and transformative ideas.

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‘Unity’s M&Ms: Metaphysical Bible Interpretation and Metaphysics’ with Rev. Paul Hasselbeck, via Zoom

‘Unity’s M&Ms: Metaphysical Bible Interpretation and Metaphysics’ with Rev. Paul Hasselbeck, via Zoom

People have commented on how Paul makes the [Unity] teachings more understandable and practical in daily life.

Our leading Metaphysics authority, Paul has had a major role in bringing Unity’s Metaphysics into the 21st century.

With a genuine passion for clarity and precision, Paul guides his students to awaken awareness and deepen understanding.

You can learn more about Rev. Hasselbeck on his website: www.paulhasselbeck.com

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'The Divine Makes All Things Possible', with Rev. Karen Williams

'The Divine Makes All Things Possible', with Rev. Karen Williams

If you’d like to make a huge leap in your spiritual practice, this is the talk for you! We have been given a tremendous gift from the Divine to tap into our higher Self to help us remember who and what we really are. Yet, we must be willing to choose that higher Self (Spirit) within us to feel that loving connection over everything else. When we remember our true identity and choose the part of our minds that knows only love, rather than fear, we find our channel back to God and a peaceful life regardless of the challenges in our lives. “Nothing is too big or hard or confusing for me to handle today if I seek the Holy Spirit’s help,” said Karen Casey. This is because the constant voice we carry within our minds, given to us by God in every moment, is teaching, guiding and even adjusting our consciousness. Matthew 19:26 NIV: “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’

Stick around for the ‘Course in Miracles’ workshop afterwards!

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‘Good Grief’, with Jonna Capio

‘Good Grief’, with Jonna Capio

Momentous change is all around us. The process of change includes grief and loss in letting go of “what was” and fears of “what will be”. How are we humans to be with this chaos and volatility happening all over the world and in all climates: environmental, social, cultural, financial, political, etc.? Jonna Capio will present her research, reflections, and what she has learned from her own personal grief journey in learning to be with “what is now”.

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'Fasting for Sustenance', with Luke Salmon

'Fasting for Sustenance', with Luke Salmon

Luke Salmon was born and raised in Bloomington, attended Bloomington North and Ivy Tech, and is currently employed at Catalent as a Senior Manufacturing Specialist.During the pandemic, he played an important part in training personnel to operate new equipment that produced the Covid vaccine.

He is married to Monica, with two children, Maebry and Waylon.

Luke is a member of the UOB Board, and is the Board liaison to the Chapel Action Team, Youth and Family Ministry and Hospitality Committees. In addition, he is taking some of the online SEE courses available through Unity Worldwide Ministries.

Come to Luke with any questions, ideas or blessings in the areas of co-creating a sacred space, kids and family, or food!

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'Not That Far Apart: A Dialogue on Faith Styles', with Joanie & John Spain

'Not That Far Apart: A Dialogue on Faith Styles', with Joanie & John Spain

The 14th Century Zen Buddhist monk and poet Ikkyu wrote: “Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain, but at the peak we all gaze at the single bright moon.” John and Joanie Spain started dating just as John began his studies for a Master’s degree at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. As a Humanities major and serious student of Ernest Holmes (a contemporary of the Fillmores), Joanie enjoyed talking about world religions and spirituality. They quickly realized that they always arrive at the same place, but get there with very different language and metaphors. Join John and Joanie in discussion, as they explore what it means to seek “the single bright moon” in relationship and in the context of an increasingly polarized world.


“Not all who wander are lost” describes John Spain’s life journey. While employed in too many jobs to recount ere, he devoted much time and energy to what he calls two of the world’s most expensive hobbies: flying airplanes and pursuing two graduate degrees. So far, he hasn’t been able to convert either hobby into a career, but he has derived great satisfaction and meaning from both. His seminary education grounds his spiritual wandering in traditional Christianity and encourages exploration to the limits and boundaries of his chosen tradition.

When not drafting meeting agendas as Board President of Unity of Bloomington, Joanie Spain is a Career Advisor in the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University. She also is completing the certificate program in Spiritual Direction through Unity Worldwide Ministries and leads life skills classes with the women of Sojourn House, a two-year residential program for survivors of human trafficking (yes – right here in Bloomington).

John and Joanie have been married for 26 years. They currently share this journey through life on five tranquil acres with their basset hound-mix Toby, roving bands of deer and wild turkeys, and the occasional red fox.

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' "Manna" Equals Free Pizza and Wine', with Michael May & Tana McElhinney

Awareness and Persistence

Two "Uni-tics" discussing life; the past and how it colors the present.


Michael May is the grandson of a Monroe County stonecutter; a fully pedigreed Hoosier local boy. Michael’s teenage years and global perspective were formed during work experiences in Sweden and Jamaica. Upon graduation from Indiana University, Michael joined the teaching faculty of the international Ecumenical Institute based in Chicago. The Institute served as a consortium for the recovery of contemplative depth methods, practices, and exploration using contemporary and existential language. The Institute worked to recover the gifts of contemplative practice for a diverse, global, secular, digitally-enveloped, and quantum scientific world.

The foundational curriculum of the Ecumenical Institute is re-presented today in the cinematic art forms of Interior Mythos Journeys on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Interiormythos.

Michael currently serves as curriculum editor for the program. Michael resides on a hill in the woods of eastern Monroe County with his wife Mary Sullivan Madore. Mary manages the dogs and horses while Michael is learning to be a hay farmer and lumberjack, personally engaging in regular chainsaw therapy.

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'Turning Our Attention to Home', with Rev. Karen Williams

with ‘A Course in Miracles’ Workshop afterwards

'Turning Our Attention to Home' focuses on our spiritual journey from childhood to our entrance into eternity, our final home or Heaven. Rev. Williams will help us understand what it takes to be home in peace, love, and joy in our everyday lives.

Heaven on Earth is an enjoyable concept and a very pleasant state of mind to live in. Jesus taught his followers to pray, “Thy kingdom come on Earth as in Heaven.” The church took this teaching to make Heaven as a place you go to after your Earthly life, yet Jesus taught that our divine, loving attention on Earth makes this world more like Heaven. It is an everyday consciousness.


Reverend Karen Williams is an ordained minister and has been an educator, nonprofit director, human services supervisor, and retired as a manager with the City of Phoenix. She enjoys birdwatching, traveling the world, reading, learning all things in spiritual growth and is an avid student of A Course in Miracles. She lives in Ellettsville, Indiana with her wife, Wendy and two cats, Elfo and Rojo. They are very much a part of her Heaven on Earth.

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'A Recipe for Community', with Rev. David LeBeau (via Zoom)

Ordained Unity Minister

(Rev. David LeBeau will be joining us via Zoom from his home in California. You will see him projected on the stage screen if you attend in person!)

The benefits of a Spiritual Community are real and unique. More than a book club or a civic organization, such a Community can lift us up and change the course of our lives. However, it can only do so if it is healthy, with an equal emphasis on both Spirituality and Community. Explore with Rev. David LeBeau the dynamics of living in Unity.

In addition to the morning talk, Rev. LeBeau will lead a workshop titled Putting the Five Unity Principles to Work for Us. We will take the time to get behind the words to the real meaning. We’ll explore the notions of “being one with God,” “creating our own reality,” and “using prayer effectively.” January is a good time to look at how we are using the tools available and whether we are really moving forward or just going in circles.


In 1989, Reverend David LeBeau completed the Ministerial Education Program at the Unity School of Christianity and served as a minister at Unity of Bloomington for 20 years between 1989 and 2012. In addition to teaching Stress Reduction Through Meditation at the IU School of Public Health and leading Senior Yoga practice for many years, he has attended Buddhist retreats, sangha meetings and read widely on the topic of human spirituality. He and his wife Natalie live in Richmond California near their two sons, Robert and Richard, daughter-in-law Jennifer and grandson, Oliver.

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'Greeting the New Year with Intention Using Fire and White Stone Ceremonies', with Devta Kidd

Master of Science in Positive Organization Development and Change Management

Are there habits or tendencies that you’ve come to realize no longer serve you? Instead of bringing them into the new year to struggle with them anew, join us in expressing thanks for the value that those attributes once brought as we offer them to the communal fire for purification in a Fire Ceremony. Then, relax into the support of your commUnity as we meditate on the year ahead and declare what it is that we would like to build individually. Write your intention on a white stone and share it (if you choose) in the White Stone Ceremony.


Devta Kidd has been a member of Unity of Bloomington for over 20 years serving in a variety of roles from Youth and Family Ministry facilitator to service and meditation leader to her current love – being a member of the Music Team. Devta is a lifelong seeker. She was raised in a strict Catholic household, but eagerly explored Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism as soon as she was out from under her parents’ roof! In Unity, Devta finds the Truth that underlies all things while she continues to question and seek. She is currently studying – and questioning – A Course in Miracles and is so very grateful for a commUnity that affords the freedom to continue to explore.

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'How to Keep the New Year', with Machai St. Rain

Peace Activist / Mentor / Sound Healer

The New Year is a great time to tap into the energy of possibility!  We can sometimes get locked into old habits and begin to feel stuck, bored or dissatisfied.  Machai St. Rain will be sharing fun, practical tools to connect with the spirit of creativity and newness in even the most mundane moments.  Machai’s friend, Angela Gabriel, a performer, teacher, and musician will be joining her in presenting special music and meditation in this most engaging service.


Machai St. Rain, “The Peace Pedaler”, is a mother of two and a grandmother of seven, a peace activist, mentor, and a sound healer.  She performs peace concerts, leads online communities and facilitates experiences intended to uplift, connect and inspire personal connections and global unity.  In 1995, Machai opened “Watersong Sanctuary for Peace and Healing”, a 10-acre retreat center which hosted many indigenous healers, ceremonies and educational events. Then, she fulfilled a lifelong dream of travel and service by crossing eleven African countries and Turkey by bicycle, a distance of approximately 8,000 miles!  For her 50th birthday in 2015, she created the “Peace is Possible Bike Tour” to dedicate her life to creating a “Palpable Presence of Peace on Earth”.  She also joined the crew of “The Golden Rule Peace Boat”, an historic vessel sailing for World Peace and Nuclear Abolition.  Since that time, Machai has traveled to 26 countries by bicycle and sailboat.  At Unity Center of Peace in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Machai spent two years as the Youth Education Director, was on the Board, and also was a member of the Lay Ministry Team and the Prayer Team.  Here at Unity of Bloomington, she heads up our Sunday morning childcare program.  Currently, Machai is building a world-wide community of people dedicated to taking action toward a peaceful, sustainable world.——

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Christmas Music Service

Joy to the World!

Due to the fact that Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year, there will be NO evening candlelight service this year.

On December 24, our Sunday morning service will be a Christmas music service, with lots of audience singing participation, a retelling of the Christmas story, and our traditional candlelight version of “Silent Night”. Please join us in the morning on Sunday, December 24, for our celebration of Christmas!

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'Who Needs Joy??', with Dan Piekarsky

Board Member/Soloist

What is Joy, and why do we need it?  Why is Joy a part of a Unity practice?  What if you are not feeling the Joy??  Is Joy just another “fake it, til you make it” placebo?  This talk may have more questions than answers, but it will be a deep inquiry into Joy and the connection to our humanity and connection with Spirit.  


Dan Piekarsky has been a member of Unity of Bloomington since 1996.  He has been learning and living with Unity Practices and Principals since the first time he attended a service in the Waldron Theater.  One could argue that his process has been slow, but the lessons absorbed have become embedded deeply with years of commitment, service and leadership to this community.  He endeavors to be the light and to see the light.  He is married to the love of his live, Beth, and have two adult children, Will and Christopher. 

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'Let Peace Begin with Me', with Luke Salmon

Father/Board Member/UoB Committee Member

As we enter the second week of Advent, we light the Peace candle, in anticipation of the arrival of the Christ. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my Peace I give unto you.” (John 14:27)

Join us on December 10 as we step into Christ Consciousness and explore how all Peace begins within.


Luke Salmon was born and raised in Bloomington, attended Bloomington North and Ivy Tech, and is currently employed at Catalent as a Senior Manufacturing Specialist.
During the pandemic, he played an important part in training personnel to operate new equipment that produced the Covid vaccine.

He is married to Monica, with two children, Maebry and Waylon.
Luke is a member of the UOB Board, and is the Board liaison to the Chapel Action Team, Youth and Family Ministry and Hospitality Committees. In addition, he is taking some of the online SEE courses available through Unity Worldwide Ministries.

Come to Luke with any questions, ideas or blessings in the areas of co-creating a sacred space, kids and family, or food!

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'The First Sunday of Advent - the Candle of Hope', Rev. Karen Williams

Is our Hope with attachment or intention?

During the first week of Advent we light the Prophet’s Candle, which symbolizes Hope. The prophets had told people about the Messiah’s coming for a long time. Since Israel was controlled by the Roman Empire when Jesus was born, many people expected the Messiah to be a political savior. Jesus was not the Messiah that many hoped for or expected. Their hope was tied to their expectations. The deepest spiritual teaching for all of us is that the more able we are to release attachments, the less chance there will be of suffering disappointment.

Rev. Karen’s message is about Hope that lets go of attached expectations, so that our divine intention can be fulfilled.


Rev. Karen Williams was ordained with The Salvation Army and served as a pastor and educator in the Midwest for many years.  After working with the Field Museum in Chicago, she moved to the West.  In 2015, she retired as a deputy director of Parks and Recreation with the City of Phoenix.  Her spiritual practice includes studying the Bible and A Course in Miracles in an effective, transformative way daily.  Karen and her wife, Wendy Wonderley, now reside in Ellettsville. They enjoy bird-watching and traveling.

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'My Piece of Peace', with LeAnne Kelley


After a youth spent in a fundamental religious culture, LeAnne Kelley felt the need for something more – for a deeper spiritual journey. After many years and much nudging from her sister (Lisa Fouts), LeAnne finally agreed to attend a Unity Sunday service. Here at Unity of Bloomington, she has discovered a colorful kaleidoscope lens that has brought great peace to her life. Join us on November 26 as LeAnne shares some of the lessons she has learned surrounding peace and love in her life.


LeAnne Kelley spent 33 years as an educator. She taught mathematics and physical education for 12 years, then served as a high school principal for 21 years. While teaching, LeAnne also coached basketball and tennis. Now retired, she enjoys gardening, riding her electric trike, football season, and reading. Her yard is a showcase, with at least 250 perennial plants and a beautiful rose garden. In summer months, LeAnne raises at least 20 tomato plants, in order to keep her family and neighbors supplied all summer long. Her dogs are “spoiled rotten” and most Sundays when the weather permits, Mosey joins us at Unity, waiting patiently in the truck for her return. LeAnne is very happy to be part of the Unity commUnity.

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'Playground for Gratitude', with Maryellen May

Mother/Wife/Video Artist/Certified InterPlay Leader

Gratitude is not our default behavior. Sometimes, it’s easier to focus on what’s going wrong in our lives and in the world than it is to recognize the good. Lucky for us, gratitude is a choice we can make, a posture we can embody, an expression we can practice. We may even choose to play with our gratitude. However, there are also “gratitude traps” to avoid – gratitude that is inauthentic, shame-based or comparative. How do we know if our gratitude is authentic, free of shame and comparison? In this time of Thanksgiving, let’s explore gratitude together and see what we notice. Maryellen May will share her experience with a practice called InterPlay and a couple of easy, playful forms. These forms do not require much effort and can help us access our authentic gratitude and better connect with ourselves and each other. (The next InterPlay workshop is December 6).


Maryellen May is a mother, wife, video artist and certified InterPlay leader, who grew up in Bloomington. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Peace and Global Studies from Earlham College, and received her Master’s degree in Journalism from Indiana University. Maryellen has been dancing all of her life. She enjoys daily walks with the family dog (Bowie) and shares an office with a cat named Smokey. When Maryellen bumped into InterPlay in 2018, she believed that she had found a piece of her puzzle. Over the last five years, she has had the privilege of experiencing InterPlay with people from all over the world, both in person and on Zoom.

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'Who Are We?', with Jonna Capio

CommUnity Member

Right now, our world is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.  How are we humans to be with all of this chaos?  How do we not sink into over-whelming fear, depression, or anxiety with all of this turmoil?  How are we to live?  Who are we?
The Unity movement, based on living like Christ, offers us practical tools, wisdom, and community.  When we work our beliefs and live the principles, we can be the change we want to see in the world, offering a beacon of light in all the current darkness.  As we radiate, and encourage others to shine with us, we can tip the balance of collective consciousness from fear to love.  Love is our power, just as Jesus taught.
Join us on Sunday, November 5, when Jonna Marie Capio shares her research and realizations on how we can BE in this chaotic world, but not be tethered to it – how we can live with Hope, as Love and Joy.


Jonna Marie Capio has been a member of Unity for 25 years.  She credits the Unity principles and practices as being both ground and inspiration for her life and for her life’s work as a mental health therapist.  Jonna is the Transition Team Leader for Unity of Bloomington during our “time in-between” search for our new spiritual leadership.
Jonna believes that every human is a seeker, but few people openly understand, acknowledge or embrace this, which is why she loves and supports Unity of Bloomington.  Here, she can count on being able to seek freely and talk openly about all things “freaky and geeky” about Jesus and Spirit.  Feeling both safe and connected are two basic human needs, and Jonna finds both here at Unity of Bloomington, the most welcoming community she has ever been a part of.  Here, we all have permission “to BE” and to strive, with the best of our abilities, to be curious and not judgmental in relationships with one another.  Which, she believes, is what life is all about.

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**All Music Sunday!** with Phyllis Wickliff

Come Sing Along!

This fifth Sunday will feature music as the Message! An all-music Sunday service, with Dan Piekarsky, Phyllis Wickliff, the Unity of Bloomington music team, and some surprises!

The congregation may be invited to learn some new songs. We love music at Unity of Bloomington, so join us for your “fix” of positive uplifting music!

If you are a music person and would like to present something on this Sunday, we would be honored to have you in the line-up. Or, if you have a particular request for a favorite Unity/New Thought song that you would like the congregation to sing, let us know.

Please contact Phyllis Wickliff

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'Journeying into Heartfulness: Reflections (& Confessions)', with Kimberly Hughes

Professor / Ph.D. / M.S. / M.A.

Drawing upon personal stories and experiences from over 20 years in Asia, Kimberly will introduce the global Heartfulness movement and her personal journey into spirituality.  Cleaning and transmission are unique aspects of this daily practice, with ongoing support in place locally and globally.  Kimberly will  share aspects of her journey within, touching upon critical concepts that link well to Unity of Bloomington … including constant remembrance, surrender, abundance, and spirituality as the real goal of human life.  Enjoy glimpses into the spring, summer, Indian summer, and autumn of Kimberly’s journey as we travel from Indiana to Asia…and beyond…


Kimberly Hughes (Huz) holds four degrees from IU Bloomington, including a Ph.D. in Language Education.  From 1989-1992 she was with the ITM/MUCIA program in Malaysia, operated by I.U. International Affairs.  Her first son was born in Bloomington and her second in Shah Alam, Malaysia.  The family returned to the U.S.A. in 1992 with Kimberly achieving tenure at SIUC in 1999 and awarded a Fulbright Senior Scholar award to Indonesia 1999-2000.  In 2002, Kimberly went to the University of Macau on a leave of absence which ended up extending for three years before she hired on permanently, leaving the USA behind.  Her two sons went to Portuguese school and then to the University of Macau.  One now lives in Macau and the other in Bali, Indonesia.  After 18 years in Macau, life changes took Kimberly on a healing journey through Asia, ending in Florida to be with her mother, then age 90.  At this point in her now mostly solitary journey, Kimberly has returned to her heart home, Bloomington, where she plans to live at least 6 months of the year. 

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